It is time to rebuild...
This last Sunday at Shepherd's Heart we explored Ezra and Nehemiah together... It is exciting to explore Scripture together and see how the things God's people struggled with help us to understand our struggles today.
Despite the struggles they faced as the temple and walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt the people knew that God was with them... God promises to be with us too and to never leave us or forsake us... As we build on the one true foundation in our lives - Jesus Christ - we can know that God is with us, leading and guiding us wherever we go.
Some other things we discovered was the power of repentance, the importance of staying focussed on the job we are called to do, the favour of the Lord as we pursue this call and what it means to put aside the things that distract us from focusing on the Lord and his plans for us...
We hope to have the sermons up for you to listen to soon!! Blessing and Peace.