Our Approach...
We believe that God is interested in each of us personally.... where we are in our walk towards faith or in faith. We believe he has called us to call others to faith! Jesus left us with the command to GO and MAKE disciples... This is our mission and passion.
With an attitude of no judgement or condemnation towards any person with any background, we welcome each one with open arms and open hearts, seeking to have the compassion Jesus had for the crushed, lonely and broken, affirming a walk of life guided by Scripture.

Our Story...
As a young church, we have each come from different backgrounds with a large diversity of experiences to contribute to the body of faith we are growing into. It is amazing what God is doing as we seek his direction and guidance with humility and a desire to serve where we are, using what is in our hands. We embrace the freedom of living each day in the knowledge that the one true Lord of all is in control and is at work in us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our future is in his hands!

What we believe... the nitty gritty...
As a Faith Family, Shepherd’s Heart Church agrees with the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds, and holds to the following as an essential part of its beliefs. These are commonly known as Evangelical Doctrines and help define what it is that we believe:
- The Divine inspiration and supreme authority of the Scriptures in the Old and New Testaments.
- The existence of one God in three persons – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God, the Second Person in the Holy Trinity.
- The incarnation of Jesus and that as the Son of God, he became a human being, by being miraculously conceived in, and born of, a virgin.
- The fallen, sinful and lost estate of all mankind.
- The salvation of people from the penalty and the power of sin, through the perfect obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ, His atoning death, His resurrection from the dead, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His unchanging Priesthood.
- The internal work of the Holy Spirit as we are formed and shaped to be all that God desires of us, each of us reflecting more and more of Jesus Christ to those we contact each day.
- The need for the repentance, turning away from our old ways towards God and of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, as the means of receiving salvation.
- The resurrection of the dead in a day to come and the final judgement of all people by the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are more than willing to discuss these beliefs with you and hope that you will feel free to do so. As a family, we believe that our faith is based on simple trust in what Jesus achieved for us on the cross. When we believe in Jesus, we are adopted into his family! As bothers and sisters with Jesus Christ, we can then live out our faith with each other, towards those that are not a part of Shepherd’s Heart Church and those that do not yet believe in what is it that Jesus has achieved for them when he died and rose again. It is amazing to think that Jesus conquered sin, death and hell when he died and rose again! He defeated death! He defeated sin and the consequences of it! Jesus defeated Satan and all the forces of evil that he controls! How great is that! We get to live in that freedom as brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ. We hope you too can be as excited as we are about Jesus and the way he walks beside us, never leaving us, never condemning us. There is now NO condemnation to those who are IN Christ Jesus.
Meet the Team...
Our team includes all those that choose to be a part of the mission God has called us to... That can include you! Our committee serves as a subset of the total group and includes our Pastor and four other talented people with a heart to see new disciples follow Jesus Christ.
Rev Murray Schoenfisch
Mark Polley
Committee Member
Mark Bousfield
Committee Member
Rob Carter
Committee Member
Beth Carter
Committee Member
Next Steps...
Contact us today to join the new story that is being written in Toowoomba's community of faith... You are welcome.